Healthy Eating At Restaurants!
Eating out can be a fun way to spend time with family and friends. After all, food doesn’t just mean fuel, it is a way to bring us together.
We could have all probably guessed that eating out every meal is not a very good idea when it comes to keeping in line with our health goals. For one, it can make you eat in larger portions. It can also hide excess saturated fats and sugars that you may not be aware that you are eating. Food from restaurants, particularly fast-food restaurants, can also be exposing you to phthalates which are known as endocrine disruptors. There has even been a study that linked eating out frequently to a high risk of all-cause mortality. One of reasons for this is the use of plastic containers for storing foods. These containers can contain BPA which is a toxic chemical that has been linked many health issues including reproductive and neurological problems, as well as an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Click HERE to read our blog post to learn all about endocrine disruptors!
Even though eating out for every meal may not be the way to go, there are ways to minimize your risk when you do choose to eat a meal from a restaurant!
· Look at the menu before deciding where to choose to eat! Look for menu items that contain whole foods like whole fruits and vegetables. Try and choose restaurants with healthier options!
o Many restaurants even have calorie counts for their items either on their menu or on their website!
· Try and avoid fried foods as these can be loaded in saturated fats and raise your cholesterol! Try seafood options like salmon to get those omega 3s!
· Although you want to try and not drink your calories- beverages can be enjoyed in moderation.
o For example: Having a glass of red wine could be a great addition to a meal! Red wine contains a phytochemical called resveratrol which is a powerful antioxidant that can work to reduce inflammation in the body!
o Remember- A serving size of wine is 5 oz! The daily recommended alcohol intake is one drink for women and two for men!
· You don’t have to skip out on the foods you want to try when eating out! Just split them with a friend or family member.
o For example: Someone can order a burger and another person can order an ahi tuna bowl and you can split the entrees and share half with each other!
· Try and add color to your plate! The more color the more nutrients!
· You can always substitute sides!
o For example: Substitute Brussel sprouts or a side salad in place of french fries!
· Remember that condiments and dressings can contain access salt or sugar! Try asking for them on the side so you can decide how much to use!
· You don’t have to finish ALL of the food on your plate. Try and pay attention to your hunger and fullness queues when you eat! You could easily grab a to-go box and save it for lunch tomorrow!
o You can even ask the server to put ½ of your meal in a to-go box to start with to keep portions in moderation.
· Ask yourself if you really need dessert! And if you want it- that’s ok! Eating out can be a special occasion and it’s ok to splurge on dessert every once in a while! You can always share desserts with family or friends too!
Avocado Cheesecake! Yum!