
Summer is in full swing and many of us are off traveling! So how do you stay on track with your health goals while traveling? Here are a few ideas: 

  1. Be active! One of the great things about vacation is you generally have TIME to be more active. Whether it is taking a relaxing stroll on the beach or swimming in the pool there are a lot of ways to be more active.  

Can you walk to your restaurant for dinner instead of driving? Maybe go for a bike ride? There is plenty of time on vacation right?? 

2. Pack veggies! OK you may thing I’m crazy for saying this but you can absolutely bring healthy snacks or buy some while you travel. For example, baby carrots, almonds, whole grain crackers travel really well.  

Or, if you have a fridge where you are staying, I love going to a local grocery store and buying a veggie and fruit tray for healthy snacking while we are away. Try having a light veggie or fruit snack before your big dinner and it can help keep your appetite in check.

3. Eat like you normally do, mostly. This trick will not only help you stay on track with your health goals but you will most likely FEEL better while traveling as well. No urgent visits to the bathroom or struggles with heart burn.  

What does this look like? Try a veggie omelet and whole toast for breakfast. Start lunch and dinner with a salad to keep your appetite in check. Choose lean proteins and one of my favorites salmon while eating out.  

I can struggle with finding the best way to cook salmon and my husband is not a fan so I almost always order salmon or some other form of seafood while I am eating out. Plus, healthy omega-3s for my heart and brain! 

4. Plan a splurge meal! That is right, you are on vacation after all. Plan a special meal where you order whatever you want, including dessert. Just don’t make every meal a splurge meal. This will allow you to feel like you really enjoyed yourself without overdoing it the whole vacation.  


5. Watch the alcohol. Try to stick to no more than 1-2 drinks a day. Not only will you feel better, but it can prevent you from packing on the extra vacation weight. Even a glass of wine can range from 100-300 calories depending on the type. And those sugary margaritas or daquiris? Could be up to 800 calories a serving!  

Wine and light beer are going to be lower in calories than most of your mixed drinks. I don’t get any kick back from Blue Moon for this, but their new Light Sky beer is super refreshing with only 95 calories and 3.6 carbs. Compare that to their regular Blue Moon beer with 156 calories and 19 carbs. 


So which of these options are you going to try out on your next vacation?? Share in the comments! 


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